Porsche 910 Continuation

This brand new 1967 coupe specification 910 Continuation car, comprised of new components identical to the Porsche factory originals we own, is in final assembly. This project began in 1997 when we purchased new old stock Porsche factory suspension parts, factory chassis blueprints, and bodywork. It’s the twin car of our 910 hill climb spyder which actually started out as a coupe and was later modified to that configuration.

Once completed, this new race car will be campaigned in CSRG and SVRA historic racing events and it will be FIA Technical Passport eligible. It will ultimately be for sale because our 910 continuation Spyder is the 910 variant we will keep and compete with long term.

This car is being completed using the very last spare set of magnesium suspension castings, titanium ball joints, and super rare and difficult to manufacture parts we have. Over the years we have sold our spares to 907, 908, 910, and 917 owners around the world.

Today, the cost to make new spares, new chassis, new bodywork etc. has reached the point that we expect that this may be the very last 910 continuation car built by anyone with correct identical replacement parts that are fully interchangeable with Porsche originals.

Project coverage on this page will exemplify the important differences between time intensive, costly, fabrication of a true fully documented continuation car versus the more common replica or kit car approach.

Every single part of this car is bespoke from hollow titanium bolts to the beautiful new magnesium 13” wheels from England. The chassis itself was fabricated from imported metric tubing using the factory blueprints and 25 years of photographs and measurements of original 910 cars that we helped to restore.

This tube frame has all the correct 30mm oil line fittings incorporated circulating oil from the engine bay to the front cooler and tank as original. Every suspension attachment bracket is correct with 14mm threads for hollow Ti shear bolts. The only off-the-shelf parts are safety equipment and original Porsche engine and transmission components.

Like our 907K, when this car competes, it will have almost no detail that is different than an original factory car in 1967, thus maintaining period correct performance. We believe that continuation cars built with such consideration of historical accuracy and fair performance, should compete with fully pedigreed documented historic cars in order to contribute to the on-going racing history moving into the future, in doing so, keeping the era alive for all to enjoy. 

We have re-built significant parts of several original 910 race cars for customers while this new continuation was being assembled, patching up the old timers, and rolling out this brand new car.

Disclaimer. curvesandgears.com and iD8 Design, Inc. have no affiliation with Porsche AG. There are no kit cars or kit car type products offered for sale herein.